Fashion math is the only kind we know—re-discover our top 10 moments in fashion-show history and the numbers that make them extra special.

Since its inception, this is the number of VSFSs we’ve hosted.

Throughout our history, this is how many unique wings have been created and featured.

The staggering weight of the heaviest wings that were ever worn and graced our stage.

The amount of gold plating plus the number of Swarovski crystals plus wingspan equals what contributed to those impressive 40-pound wings.

The number of hours of meticulous craftsmanship, on average, each set of wings demands.

The year of the first VSFS which took place at The Plaza Hotel in New York City.

Our largest audience size, which gathered in Shanghai.

The year the VSFS broke the internet when over 2M people logged on to the site to view the show.

The number of miles away spectators could see the Empire State Building when we lit it up with pink lights in honor of the fashion show.